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What is ASTM B689 Electrolytic Nickel Plating?

At AOTCO, we frequently work with clients in a wide range of highly specialized industries. Since our customers in these fields are subject to an array of different challenges, they require AOTCO to follow certain specifications to ensure industry compliance.  

ASTM B689 is a common industry spec for Electrolytic Nickel Plating. The spec includes 3 types (1-3) and uses class to indicate thickness microns. For example, class 3 would have a minimum thickness deposit of 3 microns.

Benefits of ASTM B689 Electrolytic Nickel Plating

  • Aesthetically pleasing finish
  • Increased strength and durability
  • Increased Conductivity
  • Improved Scalability
  • Increased Thermal Conductivity